2014 nr 18 - Lead in game meat part 1, Ammunition residues and chemical analysis

During 2012-2014 the National Food Agency investigated lead levels in game meat taken with lead ammunition and
whether the consumption of game meat could be a risk for the consumers.

The work is described in the report Lead in game meat in four parts. Part 1, Ammunition residues and chemical analysis, investigates how the occurrence of lead residues from ammunition and lead contents vary between various cuts of game meat, depending on the choice of ammunition and the placement of the shot itself. This report also studies how lead residues dissolve in gastric environments. Part 2, Lead contents in the blood of hunter families, investigates whether the content of lead in the blood affects consumers of game meat. Parts 1 and 2 provide data for the risk assessment of consumption of game meat shot with lead ammunition that is presented in Part 3, Risk assessment. The latter describes the risks entailed by residues of lead ammunition in game meat. Based on this assessment, a health-based critical level for lead fragments in game meat has then been established.


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